Thursday, 7 August 2008

You're fucking gorgeous!

8 shows down and 16 to go!

(That's a third of the way through...)

It's rained for 2 days solid but today seems to be clear and sunny. Edinburgh at its best.

Believe it or not, I've been getting asked for autographs by people who've come to see the show! It's very sweet. I now have an international fan base (a couple were from Norway).

And then, I've also been asked on a date. It was very flattering if a bit surprising. I've never been asked out on a date. I've always made the first move. Stun'em and drag them back to your cave before they come round. That's always been my approach (for more details, see the House of Pancakes scene).

To be fair, I guess I have the best chat up line at the Festival: "Hi, can I tell you about my show? It's about my rather colourful life to date... I was raised in Paris but then became a peep show dancer in California...."

The lesson here is that if you make contact with people in an open, warm and friendly way, many will respond in the same manner. At least in a Festival environment. I don't recommend testing this theory out on the Tube at rush hour (or indeed at any other time).

So thank you to the kind and generous people who have given me lovely feedback on the show and on what they can see of me as a person. I'm very grateful.

And an even bigger thank you to those of you who know me pretty well and still show support and give me love and affection.

Now for today's question. Something a bit hard to balance out today's rather soppy blog. I wonder how many people had same day sex yesterday? (sex with people you've just met that day).

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